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Geographica Helvetica / Insurrections in Iran: an off-site ethnography

Makaremi, C.: Insurrections in Iran: an off-site ethnography, Geogr. Helv., 80, 9–17 (2025)

DOI : 10.5194/gh-80-9-2025

Geographica Helvetica, the Swiss journal of geography, is fully Open Access and publishes contributions in all fields of geography as well as in neighboring disciplines. As a multilingual journal, GH accepts articles in English, German, French, and Italian. It publishes theoretical as well as empirical contributions with relevance to geography. GH offers a platform for a cosmopolitan geography that highlights relationality and difference, connections and disconnections within Europe and beyond. This agenda derives from the specificity of Swiss geography as a meeting ground for different geographical traditions and languages. To this end, the journal is particularly interested in publishing perspectives from regions often perceived as “niches”, such as Southern and Eastern Europe, and insights about the entanglements between European and non-European regions. (excerpt from the publisher’s website)


The text explores the challenges and methods of research in repressive contexts, through the case of the Woman, Life, Freedom uprisings in Iran. Drawing on a study of post-revolutionary Iran, it discusses the production of empirical knowledge without direct presence, through digital tools and archival practices. Examining images, discourses and acts of revolt, such as unveiling, it analyzes a radical shift in collective values, affects, belongings and the relations between state and society.